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Booth No. 2-416
Product / Service

Purification Process Development Service

Separation/Purification system for functional food and pharmaceuticals : ISMB™, HP-Sep™

Plant Factory : Napper Land™

Zeolite Membrane : ZEBREX™

Hollow Fiber Membrane : STERAPORE™

Activities The details of our Purification Process Development Service which provides to meet the separation and purification needs of functional foods and pharmaceuticals, from the stage of laboratory research to production facilities, will be featured with examples of actual processing results. In addition to separation and purification business, overviews of plant factory business and Mitsubishi Chemical's separation material technologies are also showed in our booth.
Date 14 October 14:30~14:50 Location PF
Title Introduction of separation and purification technology in the field of functional foods
Detail In the production and development of functional foods, there are many cases where separation and purification processes are required to increase the purity of active ingredients and remove impurities in order to improve the effects, improve flavor, and reduce calories. In this presentation, we will introduce examples of separation and purification of functional food ingredients using our purification technologies such as chromatography, ion exchange resins, and electrodialysis.
Date 14 October 15:00~15:20 Location PF
Title Plants from plant factories for food development
Detail We have been developing and selling plant factories for more than 30 years, and our system realizes to cultivate a high yield of 18-20 cycles per year. We will focus on explaining our systems because this is the first time we exhibit at this show. We would like to share your ideas how plant factories can be involved in your development of food products.

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