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Booth No. 1-409
Product / Service

NIR Spectral Liquid Analyzer A8860 New Products

NIR Spectral Analyzer A8850

Handheld Miniature AOTF-NIR Analyzer Luminar5030

XRF X-550

Activities We will exhibit a lineup of near-infrared analyzers that can perform non-destructive analysis of products and materials without pretreatment. In addition to the new high-end instruments for liquids, we have instruments that can handle various solid samples and high-speed measurement instruments that are suitable for real-time monitoring. If you are interested in using it as a means of component analysis, please feel free to drop by.
Date 13 October 12:30~12:50 Location PF
Title Application to food analysis by near-infrared analyzer by application
Detail We will introduce the application of the near-infrared spectrometer to food. Near-infrared spectroscopy has been widely used in the food and agricultural fields for a long time, but detailed points such as the measurement method must be examined for each sample. We will introduce measurement methods that are suitable for your application, along with new products for liquids such as edible oils and seasoning liquids, to help you consider the use of near-infrared analyzers.
Date 14 October 15:00~15:20 Location PG
Title Nireco A8850 Food analysis and method development
Detail We would like to introduce the near-infrared analyzer A8850 developed by Nireco. It is necessary to develop a calibration for estimating constituent by near-infrared spectroscopy. In recent years, many customers consider the calibration curve to be a black box because the calibration curve is created only by PLS. In this seminar, we will introduce the concept of calibration development method for successful food analysis.

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