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ACTAC Co., Ltd.
Booth No. 2-402
World's First Fully Automated Dietary Fiber Pretreatment System vs. Conventional Dietary Fiber Analysis
In dietary fiber analysis, there are always the following problems: (1) labor-intensive and time-consuming, (2) low reproducibility, and (3) unstable filtration time and accuracy. Can this problem be solved with a fully automated dietary fiber pretreatment system? If so, how does it differ in workability from conventional methods? How different is the accuracy of the analysis? Will it reduce the operator's time and workload? And so on. We will explain while showing you the actual equipment.
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Fully automated dietary fiber pre-processing system New Products

Date 10月23日 12:00~12:20 Location PG
Title Dietary fiber analysis is now fully automated!
Detail In dietary fiber analysis, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive and difficult to maintain analytical accuracy, to what extent can a fully automated dietary fiber pretreatment system solve the problems of conventional methods? We will introduce the possibilities and value of the fully automated dietary fiber pretreatment system "Dietary Fiber TDF", including the background of the shift to the age of automation in all types of analysis!
Date 10月24日 13:00~13:20 Location PG
Title Dietary fiber analysis is now fully automated!
Detail In dietary fiber analysis, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive and difficult to maintain analytical accuracy, to what extent can a fully automated dietary fiber pretreatment system solve the problems of conventional methods? We will introduce the possibilities and value of the fully automated dietary fiber pretreatment system "Dietary Fiber TDF", including the background of the shift to the age of automation in all types of analysis!
Date 10月25日 12:00~12:20 Location PG
Title Dietary fiber analysis is now fully automated!
Detail In dietary fiber analysis, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive and difficult to maintain analytical accuracy, to what extent can a fully automated dietary fiber pretreatment system solve the problems of conventional methods? We will introduce the possibilities and value of the fully automated dietary fiber pretreatment system "Dietary Fiber TDF", including the background of the shift to the age of automation in all types of analysis!

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