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Booth No. 4-037
We will exhibit equipment that can be used for food development, quality control, and data preparation for presentations.
We will exhibit products that can be used for quality control of finished products and purchased materials, menu development, sales, proposals, and complaint handling. The exhibited products are Texture Analyzer, Taste Sensor, Calorie Answer, Laser Volumetric Meter, and UV Sterilization Device Solpat.
Product / Service

Tastesensor TS-6000A

Calory Answer CA-Hi

Brookfield TextureAnalyzer CTX

Highspeed 3D Laser Volumetric Analyzer AR-01

solpat UV decontamination device

URL https://www.irie.co.jp/en/
Date 10月24日 15:00~15:20 Location PL
Title Taste sensors and their latest applications
Detail The Taste Sensing System is used in marketing, product development, and sales
processes. The Taste Sensing System TS-6000A, which was launched this year, is the
culmination of 30 years of know-how and has further improved usability. In this
presentation, we will introduce the new Taste Sensing System. In addition, we will introduce
the know-how of its use so far and the latest examples of its use.
Date 10月24日 16:00~16:20 Location PG
Title Introduction to Rapid Food Nutrition and Principal Component Analysis by Calorie Answer
Detail Calorie Answer CA-Hi is the latest model that can measure 5 nutritional components (calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and moisture) of food products in 80 seconds using near-infrared spectrometry.
It is used in a variety of situations such as product development, quality control, and nutritional content labeling.
We will provide an overview of the product and introduce examples of its use and applications.
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Date 10月25日 14:00~14:20 Location PM
Title Example of Effective Use of Glove Sterilizer Solpat
Detail This is a device that can sterilize bacteria and viruses that cause food poisoning, such as norovirus, in a dry environment "safely, in a short time, and without individual differences.
The device can sterilize bacteria and viruses that cause food poisoning, such as noroviruses, "safely, quickly, and without individual differences" in a dry environment. This equipment not only improves hygiene management, but also contributes to cost reduction, productivity improvement, and SDGs.
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