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Central Scientific Commerce, Inc.
Booth No. 2-410
Exhibiting the new AI-equipped colony counter "SphereFlash AI"
"SphereFlash AI" achieves high-precision measurement of colonies spreading on petri dish edges and mold, which was difficult to do with conventional colony counters. Please try using SphereFlash AI to solve the problem of labor-saving and speeding up colony counting.
Product / Service

Sphere Flash AI New Products


Smart Dilutor

Eddy Jet2W

Spin Air

URL https://cscjp.co.jp/
Date 10月23日 16:00~16:20 Location PG
Title Voluntary hygiene management through water activity measurement
Detail Each micro-organism has a range of water activity below which it can multiply, and below a certain value it becomes difficult to multiply. This is called minimum water activity and is an important indicator in preventing food spoilage and spoilage. When sugar or salt is added to food, it binds with the water in the food, so that even relatively moist foods such as jams and salted fish have low water activity and shelf life can be improved.
Date 10月23日 16:30~16:50 Location PG
Title Finally here! Introducing our AI-equipped colony counter product
Detail We will introduce SphereFlashAI, a colony counter product equipped with revolutionary AI functions that enables colony measurement that is difficult with conventional products. We will introduce its mechanism, measurement accuracy, and how to use the software.

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